What is WHO-GMP (Good Manufacturing Practices)
Good manufacturing practice (GMP) is a system for ensuring that products are consistently produced and controlled according to quality standards. There must be systems to provide documented proof that correct procedures are consistently followed at each step in the manufacturing process - every time a product is made. WHO has established detailed guidelines for good manufacturing practice.
Many countries have formulated their own requirements for GMP based on WHO GMP. Others have harmonized their requirements, for example in the Association of South-East Asian Nations (ASEAN), in the European Union and through the Pharmaceutical Inspection Convention.
Good manufacturing practice (GMP) is part of a quality system covering the manufacture and testing of active pharmaceutical ingredients, diagnostics, foods, pharmaceutical products and medical devices.
GMP Certification confirms the products identity, composition, quality, purity and strength which they represent in the market. Under it, there is a set of guidelines that offer a system of procedures and documentation by which theconfirmation of the products are given.
What are the Benefits of GMP Certifications?
» Enhances the food safety management system
» Increases consumer confidence in your products
» Helps to decrease operating costs due to rework and penalties due to non-compliance
» Helps boost export opportunities
» Reduced duplication of inspections
» Cost saving
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